Having Fun with Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)

~$ whoami

Sergio G. Burdisso (sergio.burdisso@gmail.com)

~$ pwd

Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Argentina

Having Fun with Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)

~$ cat recommended_readings.txt

Artificial Neural Networks

Classical vs. Recurrent

RNN Unfolding

RNN Stacking

Going deeper!

Vanilla RNN


(image taken from here)

Vanilla RNN


INPUT: $X = X_t\Vert H_{t-1}$

(Where the $\Vert$ operator denotes concatenation)

OUTPUT - NEXT HIDDEN STATE: $H_t = tanh(X\cdot W_H + b_H)$

OPTIONAL OUTPUT - CLASSIFICATION: $Y_t = \sigma(H_t\cdot W + b)$

(where $\sigma$ denotes the $softmax$ function)

Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Network [paper]


(image taken from here)

Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Network


$X = X_t\Vert H_{t-1}$
$X' = tanh(X\cdot W_c + b_c)$

FORGET GATE: $f = \sigma(X\cdot W_f + b_f)$
UPDATE GATE: $u = \sigma(X\cdot W_u + b_u)$
RESULT GATE: $r = \sigma(X\cdot W_r + b_r)$

LONG-SHORT MEMORY STATE: $C_t = f\odot C_{t-1} + u\odot X'$
(Where $\odot$ denotes element-wise multiplication)

OUTPUT - NEXT HIDDEN STATE: $H_t = r\odot tanh(C_t)$

Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) [paper]

(GRU is simpler than standard LSTM)

$X = X_t\Vert H_{t-1}$
$X' = X_t\Vert (r\times H_{t-1})$
$X'' = tanh(X'\cdot W_c + b_c)$

FORGET AND UPDATE GATE: $z = \sigma(X\cdot W_z + b_z)$
RESULT GATE: $r = \sigma(X\cdot W_r + b_r)$
(Note there's 2 Gates instead of 3 = fewer weights!)

OUTPUT - NEXT HIDDEN STATE: $H_t = (1-z)\odot H_{t-1} + z\odot X''$

TASK: Creating our own RNN to generate sequence of characters (using TensorFlow)

i.e. Our classifier needs to learn to predict the next character in a sequence!

1. Imports

In [ ]:
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np

from tensorflow.contrib import layers
from tensorflow.contrib import rnn

from idataset import Dataset

2. Hyper-parameters

In [ ]:
hStateSize = 512  # Number of Hidden Units (NHU) i.e. size of Hidden State Vector
maxSeqLength = 128  # MSL
nLayers = 3  # NL

learningRate = 1e-3  # 0.001
dropoutProb = 0.3

batchSize = 200  # BS
alphaSize = Dataset.get_alphabet_size()  # AS
hStateSize = 512   # Number of Hidden Units (NHU) i.e. Size of Hidden State Vector
alphaSize = Dataset.get_alphabet_size(); # AS

nLayers = 3  # NL

maxSeqLength = 128  # MSL

batchSize = 200  # BS

Dropout (=0)

dropoutProb = 0.3

Dropout (> 0)

dropoutProb = 0.3

3. Our model

1. Inputs

In [ ]:
def tf_create_inputs():
    global X_train, y_train, h_state_input, dropout, batch_size

    X_train = tf.placeholder(tf.uint8, [None, None], name="X_train")
    y_train = tf.placeholder(tf.uint8, [None, None], name="y_train")
    h_state_input = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, hStateSize * nLayers], name="h_state_input")

    dropout = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name="dropout")
    batch_size = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, name="batch_size")

X_train = tf.placeholder(...)
y_train = tf.placeholder(...)
h_state_input = tf.placeholder(...)

3. Our model

2. Architecture

In [ ]:
def tf_create_architecture():
    global rnn_cells_stack_outdropout

    rnn_cells = [rnn.GRUCell(hStateSize) for _ in range(nLayers)]

    rnn_cells_indropout = [
        rnn.DropoutWrapper(cell, input_keep_prob=(1 - dropout))
        for cell in rnn_cells

    rnn_cells_stack = rnn.MultiRNNCell(rnn_cells_indropout, state_is_tuple=False)

    rnn_cells_stack_outdropout = rnn.DropoutWrapper(
        rnn_cells_stack, output_keep_prob=(1 - dropout)
rnn_cells = [rnn.GRUCell(hStateSize) for _ in range(nLayers)]

rnn_cells_indropout = [rnn.DropoutWrapper(cell, input_keep_prob=(1 - dropout)) ...]

(Note: dropout only on inputs)

rnn_cells_stack = rnn.MultiRNNCell(rnn_cells_indropout...)

rnn_cells_stack_outdropout = rnn.DropoutWrapper(
    ..., output_keep_prob=(1 - dropout)

(Note: dropout on output)

3. Our model

3. TF Graph (1/3) - RNN Forward Propagation

In [ ]:
def tf_graph_forward_propagation():
    global h_state_outputs, next_h_state_input, X_train_oh, y_train_oh

    X_train_oh = tf.one_hot(X_train, alphaSize, 1.0, 0.0)
    y_train_oh = tf.one_hot(y_train, alphaSize, 1.0, 0.0)

    h_state_outputs, next_h_state_input = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(
    # named just to be able to use it later, when we restore the graph from disk
    # to generate sequences
    next_h_state_input = tf.identity(next_h_state_input, name='next_h_state_input')
X_train_oh = tf.one_hot(X_train, alphaSize, 1.0, 0.0)
y_train_oh = tf.one_hot(y_train, alphaSize, 1.0, 0.0)

h_state_outputs, next_h_state_input = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(

3. Our model

3. TF Graph (2/3) - Classification (Fully Connected Net + Softmax)

In [ ]:
def tf_graph_fullyconnected_softmax():
    global h_state_outputs_flat, y_preds_logit, y_preds_prob
    # flatting h_state_outputs
    h_state_outputs_flat = tf.reshape(h_state_outputs, [-1, hStateSize])

    y_preds_logit = layers.fully_connected(
        activation_fn=tf.nn.relu # the default
        # activation_fn=tf.nn.softmax => WARNING: This op expects unscaled logits,
        # since it performs a softmax on logits internally for efficiency.
        # https://www.tensorflow.org/versions/master/api_docs/python/tf/nn/softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_v2

    y_preds_prob = tf.nn.softmax(y_preds_logit, name="y_preds_prob")  # (BS*MSL, AS)


y_preds_prob = tf.nn.softmax(y_preds_logit)

h_state_outputs_flat = tf.reshape(h_state_outputs, [-1, hStateSize])

y_preds_logit = layers.fully_connected(h_state_outputs_flat,alphaSize)

3. Our model

3. TF Graph (3/3) - Training

In [ ]:
def tf_graph_training():
    global y_train_oh_flat, loss, train_step

    y_train_oh_flat = tf.reshape(y_train_oh, [-1, alphaSize])

    loss = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=y_preds_logit, labels=y_train_oh_flat)
    loss = tf.reshape(loss, [batch_size, -1])
    # Backpropagation
    # Adam paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1412.6980.pdf
    train_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learningRate).minimize(loss)
y_train_oh_flat = tf.reshape(y_train_oh, [-1, alphaSize])
loss = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(
    logits=y_preds_logit, labels=y_train_oh_flat

loss = tf.reshape(loss, [batch_size, -1])
train_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learningRate).minimize(loss)

(backward propagation of errors)

4. Training (1/2)

In [ ]:
def tf_init_session():
    config = tf.ConfigProto()
    config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True # only needed when using GPU
    sess = tf.Session(config=config)
    return sess

4. Training (2/2)

In [ ]:
def train(pattern_path, trained_model_name, n_epochs=20):
    from time import time

    dataset = Dataset.load_from_files(pattern_path)
    sess = tf_init_session()
    n_chars_processed = 0
    oepoch = -1
    t_start = time()

    # initial input hidden state (zero)
    in_h_state = np.zeros([batchSize, hStateSize * nLayers])
        print("[training] starting to learn :) ...")
        for epoch, X_train_batch, y_train_batch in Dataset.get_training_batches(
            n_epochs, batchSize, maxSeqLength, dataset

            _, next_in_h_state = sess.run(
                [train_step, next_h_state_input],
                    X_train: X_train_batch, y_train: y_train_batch, h_state_input: in_h_state,
                    dropout: dropoutProb, batch_size: batchSize
            in_h_state = next_in_h_state

            n_chars_processed += batchSize * maxSeqLength
            if oepoch != epoch:
                oepoch = epoch
                    "[training][epoch %d/%d] characters processed: %d" %
                    (epoch + 1, n_epochs, n_chars_processed)
    except KeyboardInterrupt:

    print("[training] training finished (%.1f mins)" % ((time() - t_start) / 60))
    saved_file = tf.train.Saver().save(sess, 'trained_models/test/%s' % trained_model_name)
    print("[training] model saved: " + saved_file)

4. Training (2/2) - The training loop

# initial input hidden state (zero)
in_h_state = np.zeros([batchSize, hStateSize * nLayers])

for epoch, X_train_batch, y_train_batch in Dataset.get_training_batches(...):

    _, next_in_h_state = sess.run(
        [train_step, next_h_state_input],
            X_train: X_train_batch, y_train: y_train_batch, h_state_input: in_h_state,
            dropout: dropoutProb, batch_size: batchSize

    in_h_state = next_in_h_state
for epoch, X_train_batch, y_train_batch in Dataset.get_training_batches(
            n_epochs, batchSize, maxSeqLength, dataset

4. Sequence Generator

In [ ]:
def generate_seq(model_path, seq_start="a", length=1000):

    output_seq = seq_start    
    sess = tf_init_session()
    with sess:
            saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph(model_path + '.meta')
        except OSError:
            print("[generate_seq] model %s does not exist" % model_path)
            return seq_start

        saver.restore(sess, model_path)

        in_X = Dataset.encode_str(output_seq)
        in_X = np.array([in_X])  # "1 bach of 1 sequence"
        # initial input hidden state (zero)
        in_h_state = np.zeros([1, hStateSize * nLayers], dtype=np.float32)
        for i in range(length):
            y_preds_prob, next_in_h_state = sess.run(
                ['y_preds_prob:0', 'next_h_state_input:0'],
                    'X_train:0': in_X,
                    'h_state_input:0': in_h_state,
                    'dropout:0': 0., 'batch_size:0': 1
            in_h_state = next_in_h_state

            char = Dataset.peek_char_from_prob(y_preds_prob[-1], top_n=2)
            in_X = np.array([[char]])  # "1 bacth of 1 sequence of 1 char"

            output_seq += Dataset.decode_char(char)
        return output_seq

Generator loop

# initial input hidden state (zero)
in_h_state = np.zeros([1, hStateSize * nLayers], dtype=np.float32)
for i in range(length):
    y_preds_prob, next_in_h_state = sess.run(
        ['y_preds_prob:0', 'next_h_state_input:0'],
            'X_train:0': in_X,
            'h_state_input:0': in_h_state,
            'dropout:0': 0., 'batch_size:0': 1
    in_h_state = next_in_h_state
    char = Dataset.peek_char_from_prob(y_preds_prob[-1], top_n=2)
    in_X = np.array([[char]])  # "1 bacth of 1 sequence of 1 char"

5. Gluing it all together

In [ ]:
# This function will give life to our RNN
def tf_work_your_magic():
    tf.reset_default_graph() # we're gonna make magic more than once! XD


Let the fun begin...

  • Learning to "payar" (going The Martin Fierro's way).
  • Learning to compose some music.

1. Let's learn how to payar!

Aquí me pongo a cantar
al compás de la vigüela,
que el hombre que lo desvela
una pena estrordinaria,
como la ave solitaria
con el cantar se consuela.

Pido a los santos del cielo
que ayuden mi pensamiento:

1. Let's learn how to payar!

1.1. First things first - preprocessing


In [ ]:
mfierro_path = "dataset/martinfierro/"
mfierro_files = mfierro_path + "*.txt"

# NOTE: We need to run this code below only once
Dataset.encode_files(mfierro_files, target_codec="utf8")

1. Let's learn how to payar!

1.2. Training

In [ ]:
# making sure our RNN is alive

train(mfierro_files, input("model name: "), n_epochs=5)

# NOTE: if it's taking too long, just press:
#       <Esc> and then <I> twice to interrupt
#       the process and save the model

1. Let's learn how to payar!

1.3. Payando :)

In [ ]:
canto = generate_seq(
    model_path=input("Trained model path: "),
    seq_start=input("Sequence starts with: "),

1. Let's learn how to payar!

1.4. Pretrained Payadores :D

In [ ]:
from re import sub as re_replace

trained_epochs = [0, 50, 400]
In [ ]:
trained_model = "trained_models/martinfierro/%depochs" % trained_epochs[-1]

canto = generate_seq(model_path=trained_model, seq_start=input("Starts with: "), length=1000)

canto = re_replace(r'\d:\s', '', canto) # deleting all :1,:2,:3... etc.

2. Let's learn how to compose music!

( Now we're talking :D )

The ABC Notation (http://abcnotation.com/)


X: 1
T: Cooley's
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
R: reel
K: Emin
EBBA B2 EB|B2 AB defg|afe^c dBAF|DEFD E2:|
|:gf|eB B2 efge|eB B2 gedB|A2 FA DAFA|A2 FA defg|
eB B2 eBgB|eB B2 defg|afe^c dBAF|DEFD E2:|

Playing ABC files

Software: http://abcnotation.com/software

Webplayer: https://abcjs.net/abcjs-editor.html

But we're gonna be using these commands: abcmidi, timidity.


~$ sudo apt install abcmidi
~$ sudo apt-get install timidity timidity-interfaces-extra


~$ abc2midi song.abc -o song.mid
~$ timidity song.mid

2. Let's learn how to compose music!

2.1. Remember, first things first - preprocessing


In [ ]:
music_path = "dataset/music/"
music_files = music_path + "**/*.[ta][xb][tc]"  # Recursively, all .abc or .txt files

# NOTE: We need to run this code below only once
Dataset.encode_files(music_files, target_codec="utf8")

1. Let's learn how to compose music!

2.2. Training

In [ ]:
# making sure our RNN is alive

train(music_files, input("model name: "), n_epochs=1)

# WARNING: this dataset is 12,703,923 chars long...
#          so each epoch is going to take a while.

# NOTE: if it's taking too long, just press:
#       <Esc> and then <I> twice to interrupt
#       the process and save the model

2. Let's dance!

2.3. Dancing like a robot (a tiny little baby robot) :D

But first, we need a DJ:

In [ ]:
def play(str_abc):
    from os import system
    tmp_song = "_tmp_song.abc"
    with open(tmp_song, "w") as abc_song:

    system('bash play_abc.bash ' + tmp_song)

2. Let's dance!

2.3. Dancing like a robot (a tiny little baby robot) :D

In [ ]:
song = generate_seq(
    model_path=input("Trained model path: "),
    seq_start=input("Sequence starts with: "),

# NOTE: press <Esc> and then <I> twice to stop playing

2. Let's dance!

2.3. Dancing like a Pretrained Robot XD

In [ ]:
from re import sub as re_replace

trained_epochs = [0, 5, 10, 15, 20]
In [ ]:
trained_model = "trained_models/music/%depochs" % trained_epochs[-1]

song = generate_seq(model_path=trained_model, seq_start="X:", length=1500)


play(song) # (shake it)^n

# NOTE: press <Esc> and then <I> twice to stop playing

Thanks for you attention!

(...and that's it)